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Date Titel Summation
27.09.2002  e-weld v2.2ML  Last version (At date) 
28.09.2002  e-weld v3.0ML  Database versjon (Build:1) 
09.12.2002  e-weld v3.0ML  Upload for new version (Build:3), check [downloads]. Error in Asymmetrical K-Joints is corrected, T-Butt. [More info. here] 
08.01.2003  New hompage in english  e-welds homepages are now translated to english. 
20.02.2003  Help file in english language  Now you can download a english version of e-weld's help file (e-weld.chm). Just replace it in e-weld folder. 
14.03.2003  Romanian language file  A Romanian languagefile is now available for downloading. Just unzip the file and copy it to the e-weld language folder. 
05.04.2003  e-weld v3.0ML  Upload for new version (Build:4), check [downloads]. Only minor changes applied. 
29.12.2005  e-weld v3.1ML  Uploaded new version (Build:0) with both ISO and English units, check [downloads]. 
27.05.2006  e-weld v3.1ML  Uploaded new version (Build:1) with both ISO and English units, check [downloads]. Minor corrections in language files 
11.10.2006  e-weld v3.1ML  Uploaded new version (Build:2) with both ISO and English units, check [downloads]. Minor changes in installation file. 
23.11.2007  e-weld v3.1ML  Uploaded new version (Build:6) with both ISO and English units, check [downloads]. Changed data base. New data base is not compatible with previous versions. If this build is installed, uninstall previous builds of v3.1ML and move all data bases from program folder before installation of build 5. This build fix all problems due to . or , as decimal point. 
07.10.2009  e-weld v3.1ML  Uploaded new version (Build:7). A NEW Version of e-weld up loaded. We have changed the data base. New data base is not compatible with previous versions. If this build is installed, please uninstall previous builds of v3.1ML and move all data bases from program folder before installation of build 7. This build include a data base for materials. You can now add your favorite materials. If you already have a registered version of e-weld, this version does not require a new registration. Check [downloads]. 
18.09.2013  e-weld v3.2ML  Uploaded new version (Build:0). A NEW Version of e-weld up loaded. In this build we have included prediction of pre-heating according to method A and B in EN 1011-2. This version does require a new registration. Check [downloads]. 
Industrino AS, Steinliveien 3, 3772 KRAGERŲ. Mob.:+47 920 16 136 e-post: